
SJW ideology in the Atheist religion

There is a new secular religion that is infecting the country and it is called critical race theory. This ideology has been brewing in college campuses and fringe groups for decades. It was not that long ago I watched it infecting a new minority group that was finally starting to make progress with the Intellectual Dark Web and the Four Horsemen. Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, and Daniel Dennett sparked a curiosity into secular beliefs that indirectly resulted in YouTube channels and podcasts related to the subject. As a recovering Catholic who married into the Methodist church, became a Buddhist and later didn’t know what the hell I was, I too became curious of the forbidden belief of no god. The more I read and learned the more things began to make sense. The reoccurring question that atheist had to argue against was the subject of morality. While answers were given the question never went away and I think, although I don’t know for sure, this may have been the downfall of the atheist movement. We don’t hear much from the four horsemen these days. Hitchens is dead. Dawkins is usually putting his foot in his mouth. Sam Harris has a hit podcast but it is so long winded I don’t know who is listening unless they prefer not to listen to anything else.

During my time as an atheist, I listened to a weekly podcast called Atheist Airwaves, the show is still available, but a hurricane in Texas put an end to the show. As I listened to the show and became swept up in the hosts and their lives, I started to learn that there was more going on than the idea of “a life without god.” During one show a host named Jay was arguing that women can’t just sleep with anyone. Life has consequences and every action has an equal and opposite reaction. I agreed and added in the comment section “Just don’t fuck assholes. It’s not hard.” For two days I received emails, messages, and comments on the video about: women’s rights, victim blaming, feminism, a woman’s right to choose, etc. To make the harassment stop I finally said, “women can sleep with whoever they want.” This topic, the subject we were discussing had nothing to do with atheism but the host argued that the ideology supported “progressive ideas.” Before is knew it had happened, the ideology that had been based on science and intellectual thought was now being taken over by wokeism, but that term did not exist at the time. Looking back, it makes sense, the lead host, Christian Ferris, worked at a university and was also a recovering Catholic. The term social justice warrior was starting to make the rounds and everyone online was hitting the keyboards trying to make a difference by spreading insults, doxing, harassing, and working at having people fired for grievances as small at using the wrong pronoun. Then wokeism came for the podcast.

A guest was invited to the show and via Facebook a small but vocal campaign was started to keep the guest from being on, and if they were allowed to speak threats were made that the show was be ruined. The main culprit was some third-rate atheist activist who claimed to be a veteran, bisexual, celebrity with a girlfriend sporting the name of some supermarket fruit. I can’t recall if it was Kiwi, coconut, mango, or banana. Somewhere along the list it will show up but frankly I don’t care to remember. For hours threats were made and I joined in the campaign of punching keys and following the attackers back to their Facebook pages where they were plotting how to dox, start a smear campaign, and start calling places to have people fired. Then I appeared in the chat “hey fuckface!” Clearly these people didn’t know how to keep their pages private and for the next three hours we exchanged insults. I took screen shots of their conversations. Photos were sent to me of the celebrity’s ass. In the end he blocked me and the podcast never heard from him again. Through all of this I learn an important lesson. Atheism is just another religion like anything else. I thought there was one fundamental belief, there is no god. Instead, I watched people fight and bicker about the most minute things. Friendships were destroyed. Marriages ruined with the introduction of polyamory and other deviant behavior. Watching the atheist was like seeing a libertarian community try to figure out the rules to their new utopia. The buildings crumble and the pipes leak. The grass doesn’t grow from the motor oil being dumped on the lawn. The river catches fire and you can’t leave because somebody else owns all the roads. What could have been a good idea, a community to enjoy and relax with turned into a screaming match of ideology that rivaled the BLM protestors of today. Science quickly stopped being the measurement of thought and ideas and it was quickly replaced with feelings and primal needs. What should have evolved mankind to another level instead de-evolved people into primal apes fighting to become the next alpha to claim all the women.

I stopped listening to Atheist Airwaves when I got a new job. A year later I looked it up on a day off and found that the show no longer existed. People moved, got divorced, or continued to clean up beaches to try to make the world a better place. There was good that came out of the movement. Community clean up was a part of the local group in Corpus Christi. The more that the group explored atheist ideas the further it ventured away from the simple ideology, there is no god. Dr. Darrel Ray was a repeat guest on the show, a man who wrote about religion being a thought virus and later pushing polyamory and orgies at his house. It wasn’t uncommon for him to make sexual advances on co-hosts of the show. It did not take long for a sex cult to evolve from the atheist movement. It was going to happen like it does with any new religion and Dr. Darrel Ray was going to make sure he was going to get his fair share of the action.

Towards the end I found myself longing for the days of highly intellectual writes with their whiskey and cigarettes typing out their thoughts and changing the world one opinion piece at a time. As time continues on those voices become fewer in numbers, replaced with Adderall laced misfits that seek “likes” over intellectual credibility. Dawkins came and went, catching our attention with a few books and slowly losing credibility with each talk he gives. Sam Harris has a loyal following but his monotone nature is better equipped at putting people to sleep rather than convincing them of anything. Hitchens, the love child of Gore Vidal and William F, Buckley, sadly died early in what could have been a long and involved career rivaling his mentor Vidal. I doubt we will see another movement of this magnitude in the atheist community. As of 2021, atheist became the largest minority in the United States with churches now reporting their congregations at half of what they once were. While the community of non-believers is rising there is no longer a voice to carry it and I fear that it is being taken over by wokeism. If I had to guess, many of the ANTIFA people wearing black and hitting reporters with bike locks are likely atheists who don’t claim any religion but follow an ideology. You don’t have to do much to be an atheist, and maybe those activists in the early days were on to something when it came to creating an ideology to follow. Afterall if they had pushed the idea of non-violence as an atheist maybe the riots of 2020 wouldn’t have happened, but if there is any thing, I learned about atheists in 2015-2016 it’s that they will fight and argue about anything. As one wise man once said, trying to get atheist to follow anything is like trying to create an army of cats.


27 thoughts on “SJW ideology in the Atheist religion

  1. ” As of 2021, atheist became the largest minority in the United States with churches now reporting their congregations at half of what they once were.”

    you might want to get facts and not this nonsense. and alas, there is no atheist ideology. It’s just the conclusion that there are no god/gods.


      • “https://news.gallup.com/poll/341963/church-membership-falls-below-majority-first-time.aspx
        I wish the last line was true but get more than one atheists in a room and watch as the fighting starts.”

        about what, atheism? Nope, about all sorts of things but not that we agree that there is no god.

        Try again. Matthew.

        I see this as the last lines “A 2017 Gallup study found churchgoers citing sermons as the primary reason they attended church. Majorities also said spiritual programs geared toward children and teenagers, community outreach and volunteer opportunities, and dynamic leaders were also factors in their attendance. A focus on some of these factors may also help local church leaders encourage people who share their faith to join their church.”

        there is that problem that Christians don’t share a faith.


      • Not only have you failed to make any argument that is backed up by facts but you used a four year old poll to make a nonsensical point. As for your earlier argument about atheists being unified you have failed to realize one thing, you are the people I was referring to. I repeatedly stated in my article that I wish atheists could be unified under their belief of no god but that is not the case. Here, you try to pick a fight, looking to find some enjoyment in me being wrong, although I am not. Thank you for proving me right by giving a current example of who I was writing about.


      • a whole four years. Do find a newer one then that supports you.

        Just how can people be unified over their conclusion that there are no gods? What worldview is based on a conclusion like that? Nihilism? Nope, we aren’t all nihilists. We aren’t all liberals, we aren’t all libertarians, etc. Your claim is demonstrably false.

        You are wrong and you have born false witness about others. Always good to see in a Christian.


      • schadenfreude: noun, pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune. I see that you live your life trying to find things wrong with other people to make yourself feel better about yourself. that’s cute. the study I shared was from 2021, YOU however quoted a closing line comparing the new study to one done in 2017. as for baring false witness all of our interactions are posted here so other can go back and see how you changed your argument to fit the new narrative in order to somehow win with your last rebuttal. Most Christians would agree that the common factor they have is Jesus as their savior. You claimed that atheists only have one ideology “belief in no god.” In my article I showed how this was false. If you follow any of the four horsemen you would know that they disagree and argue all the time about various aspects of atheism. Thanks again for your comment, although at this point it appears to be trolling and just a waste of time. do find something to do with yourself. as for being a Christian this was obviously an insult and not appreciated. sounds like the words of some BLM/ Antifa virgin. please find a hobby.


      • Having schadenfreude as part of my blog title is a great way to reveal the lazy and ignorant who want to attack me about it. Sorry to kick your lies in the teeth, Michael, but no, I do not live my life trying to find things wrong with other people. As my bio on my blog says, I enjoy when people’s own stupidity causes them misfortune. This includes a truly ridiculous amount of theists who get caught in their lies constantly.

        Again, Michael, you do love to make accusations but you are rather loath to support them, aren’t you? You have nothing. You can’t cut and paste a single time I did anything like you are falsely claiming.

        Christians cannot agree on who or what Jesus is so they do not even agree that he is their savior since “he” is up for grabs on what it is or wants. Jesus is a different personality to all of you Chrisitans.

        A lack of belief in a god is not an ideology. I never said that. But nice lies, Michael. I said this “Just how can people be unified over their conclusion that there are no gods? What worldview is based on a conclusion like that? Nihilism? Nope, we aren’t all nihilists. We aren’t all liberals, we aren’t all libertarians, etc. Your claim is demonstrably false.”

        and “you might want to get facts and not this nonsense. and alas, there is no atheist ideology. It’s just the conclusion that there are no god/gods.”

        and this “about what, atheism? Nope, about all sorts of things but not that we agree that there is no god.”

        You posted this with a link: “https://news.gallup.com/poll/341963/church-membership-falls-below-majority-first-time.aspx
        I wish the last line was true but get more than one atheists in a room and watch as the fighting starts.”

        And the last lines from your article are these ““A 2017 Gallup study found churchgoers citing sermons as the primary reason they attended church. Majorities also said spiritual programs geared toward children and teenagers, community outreach and volunteer opportunities, and dynamic leaders were also factors in their attendance. A focus on some of these factors may also help local church leaders encourage people who share their faith to join their church.”
        The article mentioned a 2020 update to a 2019 study by Gallup. You made this claim too “” As of 2021, atheist became the largest minority in the United States with churches now reporting their congregations at half of what they once were.”” We are not the largest minority in the US, nor are we the smallest minority or the largest majority or smallest majority. You made an incoherent claim. Even if you add “largest religious minority” that is also not true since atheism is not a religion and we certainly aren’t the largest religious minority either, even if you want to pretend atheism – the conclusion that there are no gods – is a religion.

        In your article you lied. Again, there are atheists who are libertarians, who are capitalists, who are wannabee Nazis, etc. IT’s so cute when a theist thinks that atheists care about what Dawkins et al say. Sorry, no dogma here and no people we follow. They do not argue over the fact that there is no god. They do argue over economic issues, civil rights issues, etc.

        nice incoherence here too “sounds like the words of some BLM/ Antifa virgin. please find a hobby.” I’m none of the above 😀


      • oh Andrea, for a person who prides themselves on blocking people for making false claims or doing piss poor research maybe you should ban yourself from the internet for your own horrible work. Who is Michael by the way? don’t know him and it is not hard to find my real name on my webpage. but, as it usually goes, the same people who love to point out the faults in others are usually guilty of the same crime and try to focus on other people to take the spot light off of them. then there is the line you wrote: “They do not argue over the fact that there is no god. They do argue over economic issues, civil rights issues, etc.” Isn’t this exactly what I was saying? glad you agreed. you can try to keep making some lame point about people unable to unify under one belief or back tracking to atheists unify under their one belief, or coming up with some other argument while ignoring the others you already stated but really just save your breath. the reason you’re so pissed off about the article i wrote is because you clearly know that it is true and its about people like you. A recent convert to a new belief that there is no god and now you try to convert other people, in a piss poor way, to your belief to validate your ideas. however, I don’t know if anybody has told you this before, but making fun of other people, degrading them for their ideas, and being an asshole is the worse way of getting someone to see your perspective. have you ever tried being a good person? Maybe do something for the sake of someone else without wanting something in return. maybe donate some money to a charity that you support. I fear that there might be some mental illness in your post, or at least some serious self esteem issues since you clearly tried to make this whole article about you. did you even bother to check out what my beliefs are? clearly not. otherwise you would have seen my earlier posts like “confessions of an atheist prepper.” but no you didn’t because you did a half ass job of making your claims, baring false witness against somebody who wrote an article that you took to be about you. i guess you should take your complaint about being a minority group to Bill Maher as well who said that atheists are the largest minority group in the US at 15 %. I don’t know why I should point that out, your lazy and don’t want to look anything up. and yet somehow I know this and you don’t because you want everything handed to you on a silver platter. As for your website, it’s been done before, several times. unoriginal and lacks any creativity. thanks again for your comments. it reminded me why i don’t hang out with or talk to many atheist these days. they tend to be egotistical assholes who think they know everything about the world. have a nice day.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sorry about calling you Michael. I am also chatting with a Christian named that and got the “m” names mixed up. I am glad that I provided you with something useless to complain about.

        And again, we have you making claims that you cannot support with evidence, Matthew. Where is this “piss poor research” you accuse me of?

        No, Matthew, you have been trying to claim that atheists are all the same, being “social justice warriors”, you know the title of your blog post “SJW ideology in the atheist religion”. The only way we are the same is that we have come to the conclusion that there are no god or gods. We are not all social justice warriors, but I’m happy to be known as one. It is a nice separation from those who are bigots who only want justice for themselves.

        I do enjoy when a Christian tries to lie to themselves and others and claim that I somehow agree with them, “knowing” that some article they post is true. No it is not, but you keep trying, Matthew.
        A recent convert? Oh dear. No, I’ve been an atheist for decades. And it’s not converting to a religion since atheism having no belief in a god or gods. It’s the exact opposite of a religion, but theists do love to try to pretend everyone is “really” like them in their need for external validation. I do try to show how theism fails and how many theists intentionally lie. If that helps someone get out of religion, then that’s good. Theists have enjoyed not being exposed for far too long and they get very upset when their nonsense is revealed.

        I have no problem in making fun of people who depend on ignorance and fear, believing that some magical entity agrees with them and only them. I have no problem degrading ideas like that since those ideas harm people. Only you call me an asshole because you don’t like that I show how empty your nonsense is. I’ve been thanked enough for showing how religion fails to make me more than happy. One upset liar doesn’t bother me at all.

        I’m always a good person. You want to again make false accusations about me since I disagree with you. I donate to many charities. I even donate to Christian homeless missions since they do good work. Andn of course, now you have to make false claims about mental illness and self-esteem. It’s is unfortunately typical of someone like you trying to make mental illness an attack. I have an anxiety disorder and my husband is bipolar. I know how mental illness is hard for people. My showing how you are wrong is not mental illness.

        Oh, I saw you nonsense about being an atheist prepper. Your beliefs are quite obvious. You are terrified of anyone not like you. You are a pitiful prepper, as always paranoid and thinking you are important enough for anyone to be concerned about you. You repeat the same lies as conservative Christians to a very amusingly large degree. You appear to be one of those people who is always absolutely sure he has all of the answers and then blames everyone else for what happens to him.

        Again, you seem to think that atheists worship Bill Maher too. As far as I’m concerned he’s an idiot. No wonder you want to run to him. And hmmm, gee, I’m just soooo upset that someone like you claims my website is “unoriginal” and “lacks any creativity”. 😀 Yes, dear, I’m sure you hang out with no one. That’s not surprising at all. “egotistical assholes who think they know everything about the world.” Hmmm, like you?

        Liked by 1 person

      • “This is my place, where my opinion reigns and where the bouncers will show you the door if you intend on being a jerk(defined as not participating in discussion, trying to make others do your work for you by only posting links rather than what you think is valid about the link, doing the equivalent of throwing shit at a wall and hoping some of it sticks by posting links and having no idea what is on them, lying and making baseless insults when you have nothing else, among other things. I have no problem in banning people and ridiculing them for the idiots they are. I also have no problem in posting the email addresses and names of people to make them responsible for their comments.)”
        If I held you to your own standards you would have been blocked after your first comment with your information posted for the world to see. Seeing that I am not a 50+ year old child I have better morals than to do so. I’ll just let you run yourself into the dirt here and let the world see you for what you are. Hell, you can’t even get a persons name right since you spend so much time starting fights on the internet. That alone, under your own rules, is grounds to blocking and doxxing someone. Very mature. Maybe if you spend enough time working on yourself instead of criticizing others you would have done something with your life instead of hanging out at Ren fairs. You may want to read 12 rules for life, and no I’m not going to read it for you. Get off your ass and do something. Stop looking for hand outs. I enjoyed the fact that you also attacked Bill Maher, maybe because he also quoted a study that you appear to despise. Again, atheists attacking atheists. Exactly what I was talking about. and no, I don’t worship anyone. For someone claiming to be an atheist you talk like a theist. You might also want to read Don’t Be a Jerk by Brad Warner. You might learn something. Have a nice day.

        Liked by 1 person

      • again, nice to see no evidence presented for your claims, Matthew. And all you have is that I used the wrong name once.

        And aw, more attempts at being insulting. I guess that’s all you have, Matt, trying to pretend I’m something I’m not rather than addressing my points.

        Poor Matt, still can’t get it through his head that atheists aren’t all the same. Oh well.

        Liked by 1 person

      • And here it is, changing your argument for the third time. I never claimed all atheists were the same. Nice deflection, NOT! Plus you got my name wrong several times in the same comment so no it wasn’t once. Feel like a dumbass yet? Have you blocked michael yet. Oh wait you haven’t posted anything new to you site since mid-march. I guess your too busy replying to people who don’t care about your opinion and won’t convert to your ideas. If you can only find joy in making fun of people for their beliefs you are a sad sad person. Plus why isn’t that every time I present evidence you try to discredit it by pointing out something not related to the evidence. You don’t science much do you? Let me guess either high school education or a drop out who thought they already knew everything about the world. How is that working out for you? Later! Peace out.

        Liked by 1 person

      • here you claim atheists are all the same ” Atheism is just another religion like anything else. I thought there was one fundamental belief, there is no god. Instead, I watched people fight and bicker about the most minute things. ”

        your title of yur blog “SJW ideology in the atheist religion”

        And again, still whining about your name. Do I feel like a dumbass yet? No, not at all. Your opinion counts for nothing with me.

        You are too stupid to realize that I can discuss religion with Christians on their own websites. “Have you blocked michael yet. Oh wait you haven’t posted anything new to you site since mid-march.” and darn, I don’t post that often. So what? 😀 Oh yes, it’s all you have.

        Again, you make accusations and can’t show where I’d done any of the things you’ve claimed. I’ve done quite a lot of “science”, being a geologist, having a degree and being everything you are jealous of.


      • for someone who doesn’t care about my opinion you spend a lot of time writing back trying to make yourself feel superior. atheism is a religion, you may not like to hear that and i bet you’ll come back with the argument, religion needs a god, or a book, or some type of ceremony. Buddhist don’t believe in god and yet they gather and have their mantras. they have also argued, fought, and killed one another for different aspects of their beliefs, kind of like atheist. While you sit back and try to degrade me who the fuck are you? some sad sack of shit sitting behind your desk all day fighting with Christians. your website has no content worth mentioning. you aren’t a prominent figure in the atheist community. you are nobody and for some reason demand respect when you haven’t earned it. If i held you by your own standards you wouldn’t be writing on here. instead i let you keep hammering nails into your own coffin and watch as you lower yourself into your own grave. Hell you desire my opinion and respect so much you make it a point to post on here the same time every day. wake up, shit, shower, shave, and see if he wrote back, i hope he wrote back, my life would mean nothing if he ignored me. Your opinion is worthless to me. you continue to make my point. and yes Atheism is just another religion. continue to act like a radical and prove me right. I love seeing it. You are the people i was writing about. PS only an idiot would insult someone repeatedly and not even have their name right. piss poor research. you should block yourself from your own site.


      • I’m just here to show your false claims. You are desperate for the attention, so you may have it.

        And your respect? LOL. And no dear, atheism isn’t a religion. It’s a conclusion that there are no gods. If a Christian doesn’t belief in other gods, does he follow two religions, Christianity and “atheism” as you want to define it?

        and aw, I’m so upset that I’m not a “prominent member of the atheist community”. which community is that, dear Michael? Do we have meetings and membership cards?


      • I have made no false claims and you’re still not smart enough to know my name. As for your claim that a christian would have two religions because they don’t believe in other gods? It what world does that make sense? How is that a logical conclusion? Not believing in other gods does not make you an atheist if you believe in one. And there is an atheist community. There are those who follow Matt Dillahunty weekly as he does his intellectual debates, you might want to check that out. There are atheist groups who get together for community outreach. Corpus Christi atheists is one such group. Go away now. You have nothing. You bring nothing be lame claims. You wish you could have written an article in the quality that I had. Maybe if you work on your own blog instead of obsessing over mine you would have better arguments and better content.


      • “As for your claim that a christian would have two religions because they don’t believe in other gods? It what world does that make sense? ”

        yep, so it doesn’t make any sense to call atheism a religion. Congratulations.

        not believing in a god makes you an atheist to that god. “a lack of belief or a strong disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods” – atheism

        Good to see you failing on such a high note. Buh-bye.


      • Religion, a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
        I see that you fail to understand what religion means and you completely avoided my argument about buddhism, a secular religion. Plus you ignored that christians believe in their gods and no other. That doesn’t make them an atheist that makes them a christian. Plus, and this was the dumbest thing you have written so far…
        “Not believing in a god makes you an atheist to that God” wow, so you are saying that gods are real. Nice to see you were converted by an atheist to believe in gods. Facepalm. Thanks for the laugh. I should turn this into a meme.


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