
Is BLM the new confederacy?


Lilith Sinclair, an Afro-indigenous non-binary organizer for BLM Portland stated, she is not just “organizing for the abolition of the militarized police state,” but also for the “abolition of the United States as we know it.” This doesn’t sound like the words of someone who wants to correct the things that are wrong with our current system but somebody who wants to create a new one with no idea what to do if they did.

It might not be fair to say that BLM is like the confederacy, after all the confederates joined their states together and said they were leaving to create their own country. BLM has no army, a poorly written statement of their goals, and no land to claim as their own except for what they try to steal as autonomous zones. Currently, protesters are working towards burning down the Federal Courthouse in Portland and the state along with local government is aiding them by telling the president that they do not want Federal officers in their state. This was taken one step further on July 21, 2020 when the attorney general of Oregon said that federal officers would be arrested if they tried to detain anyone during a protest. The federal government has the right to defend their property especially if it has been under siege for 53 days, at the time of writing this. It would appear that not only the media but the politicians of these cities and states are taking sides against the federal government.

When Confederate statues were being torn down, I kept hearing that these people were traitors and didn’t deserve to have a statue celebrating them. Recently in England, a statue of a BLM protester was erected to replace a statue of Edward Colston. Colston was torn off of its pedestal and thrown into the river only to be replaced with the image of a protester/ rioter who partook in the event and stood on the empty pedestal with her hand raised in the air. The image of a slave trader was replaced with the image of a rioter that helped destroy public property. One used his money to fund orphanages and the other pushes a communist agenda. Which one of these deserves to have a statue?

The word traitor is used for the confederates and while I don’t agree with their reasons for leaving the union. I will agree that they were still Americans just like the people rioting in the streets these days. Because they were Americans and the nation needed to heal those that had survived the war were taken back into the nation. Their families erected statues in the hopes they would not be written out of history and forgotten. There is something to be respected knowing that they stood up for what they believed in. its more than I can say for a lot of people these days. However you may think of these men, they have families that remember them. There were ideas and personalities that died with them, families destroyed when they didn’t come home and the problem of living with an enemy that you fought for four years when it was over.

There has always been more than one America. There was the north and the south. Now we have the east and west coast. The forgotten fly over region. Texas, I will leave that as its own culture. No matter how we look at our country we can not forget that we are all Americans. At the moment the left and the right are looking down the barrel of each other’s rifles wondering who will fire first. The right holds back while bricks and water bottles fly through the air. At the moment the left can’t win. The demands they have set forth don’t work in the democracy that we have and the majority of people don’t agree with what they believe. The left has dug its own grave and is screaming from the bottom how it was everyone else that put them there. As we sit back and watch the left continues to dig and I wonder how long it will be until someone offers a rope to get them out, or start throwing dirt into the hole.

I have hopes that one day the left snaps out of the bipolar episode it is having and decides to join society again. There current plan to cry, bitch, and complain their way into universal basic income is no way to move ahead and heal the country. They continue to talk about reparations while destroying everything around them and not caring about who has to clean it up. There will be a day when they realize their fit didn’t give them the outcome, they thought it would. People won’t forget the businesses that were destroyed, the people shot and killed, and the people cancelled and had their lives ruined. There will be a day of reckoning when they will ask for forgiveness and I don’t know if people will have it in their hearts to forgive them. For me, there will be no hugs to give. There hasn’t been any effort to correct the destruction I have witnessed. My city still looks like shit. A memorial to a cop who lost his life protecting the city had to be removed because of vandalism. Graffiti still covers my bank. Windows haven’t been replaced. Nobody has been arrested. The south had to rebuild, after all it did start the fight. As for the left they can start by cleaning up the mess they created. Scrub the spray paint off the buildings. Replace the windows you smashed. Help the business owner rebuild the structure you set on fire. Take back the items you stole. Paint over black lives matter that has covered our streets. if this is too much, find somewhere else to live. There is an idea that this is their country and only their country. Like in 2016 there is a forgotten group of people who are wait for their time to speak and their numbers are growing.

The difference between the Confederacy and BLM is knowing when you have lost. There was a period of forgiveness, Lincoln knew this. In order for the country to survive the north had to accept the south back into the nation. Everyone was an American but these days I have to wonder, with the talk of abolishing the government and everything labeled “white” how does one move past the inherent racism dividing the country? Is there a country after everything that has been said and done in the name of a toxic belief? How does a country move on from an attempted murder suicide like the one happening right now? Only time will tell.



How Not to be White


The National Museum of African American History and Culture compiled a list of everything that creates a great society, labeled it as white and said these are things we need to avoid. The first item on the list is rugged individualism. Self-reliance and being in control of your environment are not traits that people should strive for. I guess somebody should tell the Chinese special forces that, who are trained to survive on their own and live off the land. Now that I think of it every military teaches that. The people who live in Alaska have that life. Most third world countries have that life.

The nuclear family made the list. We should not be surprised this is on here since it is one of the things under attack from BLM. Having two parents that take care of their children is somehow frowned upon even though children raised in these environments are more likely to succeed in life, finish college, and have better relationships in their life. Who would want that for their kids?

The scientific method is white. George Washington Carver didn’t get the BLM memo. The ability to think rationally and come to truths using science is a white construct. I guess we should see what kind of jets, cell phones, and medical care BLM comes up with using magic.

History, in the sense that our country’s history is based on western Europe with an emphasis on British history. I would hope so, that is how the country was started. There was a trade that took place when we left the empire. We decided to think for ourselves and that included freeing slaves later.

The protestant work ethic, that philosophy that got us to where we are today, I guess that is something we need to get rid of. I took this to mean that the people who wrote this want something for nothing, but that isn’t possible because somebody has to put in the work to provide the things people need. Not to mention that Asians has a reputation for working harder than the people with the protestant work ethic.


Respect authority, I guess this list is something that we should toss out since it was written by people who think they are the authority on this topic.

Future orientation, planning for the future is a bad thing. If this one is confusing how about the concept of time being a western construct? Making a schedule is a bad thing. Knowing when to plant crops is a purely white concept. Meeting people for business or pleasure at a predetermined time is a bad thing. Wearing a watch is a white thing, I guess those rappers will have to hand off those diamond and gold watches off to the next white guy they see.

Aesthetics, I have no idea how they came up with this section. Meat and potatoes, bland is best. This was on the list and I have to say this what is considered poor food in most cultures. Plus, potatoes didn’t exist in Europe until north America was discovered so its not even traditional western European food, but nice try. A woman’s beauty is based on blonde and thin, according to who? This completely discredits the taste of the individual. Men’s attractiveness is based on economic status power and intellect. This is true for most cultures. TLC even wrote a song called No Scrubs that expresses their distaste for guys that can’t get a job.

The concept of protecting property is only white. Having a house, car, or money that was earned is a white concept. Who knew?

Competition should be eliminated and participation trophies handed out for people who show up, or not, maybe showing up is too competitive?


I’m going to skip to the final item on the list, be polite. Being rude must be the new normal these people are looking for. Its not one that I look forward to and something I don’t put up with. If you want to guarantee personal injury to yourself this is a good way to go about it. Try not being polite and see how far it gets you.

This document is a list of everything that makes a polite, functioning society where people can get along. What surprises me most about this is the fact that the organization of protest, using free speech a right available because of the Bill of Rights, and using technology like the internet (science bitch) uses all white concepts I would have to assume this makes the protest themselves a white construct. Congratulations, by the simple act of organizing a protest you participated in white Eurocentric culture.




Brave BLM members raid dead woman’s Facebook page


Now that news is getting out about the murder of Jessica Doty Whitaker members of black lives matter have taken the brave step of going to her Facebook page and threatening the family with violence and death. There is not much more I can say about this other than asking the obvious question, where are the prosecuting attorneys to go after these human pieces of shit? Where is the police to track these assholes down? Why isn’t Facebook deleting the accounts of these useless people?



Say her name, Jessica Whitaker

On July 5th 2020, Jessica Whitaker was enjoying a Date night with her fiancé when they walked past a group of Black Lives Matter protesters who tried to get her to say “Black Lives Matter.” Instead of repeating the phrase back to them she responded with “All Lives Matter.” An argument erupted and eventually things calmed down, or so they thought. The BLM group left the area but waited on top of a bridge for the couple, and when they walked under it a member of the group pulled out a gun and shot Jessica three times killing her in front of her fiancé. She left behind her three-year-old son. All of our civil rights are being threatened and suppressed by a terrorist group called Black Lives Matter and their ranks include everyone from out of work college dropout baristas to prosecuting attorneys. Hell, even Nancy Pelosi has joined the ranks kneeling in DC while senior citizens are dying from the corona virus.

This murder was an outright assassination of free speech. “If you don’t say what we tell you to say we will kill you.” That is the message we are to receive from this. The list on the communist take over check list is growing. Destroy history, censor the media, take away the guns, and kill anyone who doesn’t obey.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey had a search warrant issued on their house for the AR-15 Mark held while hundreds of violent protesters tore through an iron fence and threatened to kill him, his wife, their dog, and burn the house down. St. Louis is a state with Castle Doctrine that states they do not have to flee their property and they can use up to deadly force to defend themselves and others. The DA in the case doesn’t appear to understand this saying that she would find something to charge the couple with for defending their home. The AR-15 was taken by the police and the couple has yet to be charged with anything.

The story of Jessica Whitaker has not been reported through any major media outlets. The planned assassination of a white single mother in her 20s might create a bad image for BLM. This is what we are getting from our elected officials these days, the message they have been sending is bow down or lose your head. The McCloskeys are now defenseless against a group that did return to their home less than a week after the initial protest/ riot on their property. The second time around they had hired armed guards and watched as the mob refused to enter the property a second time. Now that they are un-armed, I would not be surprised if the mob came back again to try to finish the job.

The Minneapolis police department has seen over 150 resignations in the last month and the number of houses on the market is skyrocketing as people try to flee the city that will soon have no police. In Seattle the city council voted to cut the police budget in half causing over one thousand employees of the police department to lose their jobs. Not only is the chief of police a black woman but the minority of the police force is white cops. The majority of Seattle’s PD is people of color. The city council successfully made minorities unemployed in the argument of making minorities safer.

Not only is Seattle forcing the unemployment of minorities they are also segregating their white employees by forcing them to under whiteness training. These classes try to teach them how to undo their whiteness to eliminate racism in the workplace. In the class they are taught to not talk to much because if they do, they are oppressing those around them, but then are also told to not be silent because silence is violence. Be mindful of how many white people are in the room because you might make the minorities in the room feel uncomfortable. You may have to forfeit the guarantee physical safety in the workplace. And don’t forget, racism is not our fault but we are responsible. All of these actually points made during the anti-racism training session the city forced their white employees to undergo. As one of my former co-workers once said “if they are putting everyone of the same color in the same room, its not good.”

In Detroit, a police officer dodged two bullets Neo style while trying to arrest a suspect. While officers apprehended a suspect, a friend standing nearby pulled a pistol from his pocket and pointed it at an officer from a few feet away. Two quick rounds were fired and the officer charged the man while fellow officers returned fire killing the shooter. The officer who was shot at was not harmed. Hours after the shooting protest started and the police immediately released the body came footage from several officers and a dash cam. This did not convince protesters to stand down. Even when evidence is shown the mob does not care. This has been an ongoing issue with a group that refuses to have a conversation. When Michael Brown was shot by a police officer there was a statement from a so-called witness that Brown was on his knees with his hands in the air saying “hands up, don’t shoot.” This whole story ended up being a fabrication, the witness was hiding behind a car while Brown was hitting the police officer in the patrol car trying to take his gun from him. one story was proven the other was quickly debunked but BLM didn’t care and all we heard for a year was “hands up, don’t shoot” a mantra that lives to this day on the foundation of lies and villainy.

The stakes of the game have been risen and I am afraid that with the start of Blue Live Matter counter protest there will soon be blood in the streets. If these people are willing to wait out a person for refusing to say black lives matter and kill them in the streets what is to stop them from injuring or killing those who show up to undermine their message? BLM has become increasingly bold over the past two months, bringing riots along with their protest, taking over large sections of cities and threatening to burn everything down if they don’t get what they want. Now they are taking lives and the media won’t cover it. This isn’t one of the “accidental” shootings that we saw in CHAZ or the Wendy’s in Atlanta, this was something different. There was a change in their tactics and I hate to say it but we are likely now in the middle of a civil war. One that is divided by ideology more than race. There is a growing number of black people who are outspoken for their dislike over black lives matter. In New York City a fried chicken restaurant now has a sign posted that they only serve whites. When questioned about this policy the black owner said he was “tired of black folks trying to burn down his business and kill him.” He was “sick of it” and “from now on he was only serving whites.”

I don’t want to think it but I know it’s coming, there will be more Jessica Whitakers in the future and we have to remember that we could be next. I functioning democracy is crumbling around us and it is only a matter of time before we start seeing scary changes happening in our society. Granted the things we have seen, with how quick things are going, is scary unto itself. The revolution isn’t over yet and it’s just started. We have a long road ahead of us if this thing gets kicked into full gear. The violence and death that we have seen so far is only the beginning. If this movement continues to go unchecked, we will see major changes in all aspects of our lives in the near future. The quicker the changes the more violent the movement will be. We have to start remembering what has come before. When times become hard remember where it all started. Say her name, Jessica Whitaker.




White Fragility: a book review

Are you tired of living the good life? Has everything been handed to you on a silver platter? When you are pulled over does the cop give you a ticket and send you on your way? If you have answered yes to any of these and have white skin then you have white privilege and you’re racist. You’re not racist you say, be careful, because denying you are racist is racist. Who says? Robin DiAngelo, an American academic in whiteness studies. Yes, they hand out degrees in made up shit and we wonder why the country is going to hell.

White Fragility is the current best-selling book that makes white America feel like they are the biggest pieces of shit on the planet if they are unable to think for themselves, and after seeing the crowds in the BLM protest across the country, critical thinking and self esteem are in short supply across the land. White Fragility works as a recruiting tool for a new religion of “Wokeness” that has sprung up and at this moment L. Ron Hubbard is wishing he had played the race card instead of sticking to science fiction and aliens. The joke of this book is that it flips the idea of original sin onto white people, using the label of skin color to easily point out those that are racist and those who are not. There was a time when slave owners used the bible to justify slavery saying that dark skinned people were the descendants of Cain. Now white skin is the label of racism, inherited at birth and cannot be washed away unless you spend a lifetime fighting against racism.

This new religion is also influenced by Joseph Heller and his book Catch 22. If you are white you are racist. If you don’t know that you are racist, well that’s okay because you have been indoctrinated into a racist system so you are still racist. If you know that you are not racist and deny it then you are still racist by the new definition determined by DiAngelo. If you admit you are racist, of course you are. You just said it and will stay guilty as charged. So, who isn’t racist? DiAngelo of course, the great white savior that black people have been waiting for.

While DiAngelo sets herself up to be the savior of all black people she spends a good portion of the book bashing herself for being racist or talks about herself while pretending not to. She says that some of the worst offenders of racism are progressive women who are fighting for equality, but that doesn’t include her. In DiAngelo’s world black people are unable to change the racist system set against them on their own and they need the help of white people to correct things for them. Its like the civil rights march of fifty years ago never happened.

Through out the book assumptions are made and studies are rarely referred to. One sentence in particular talks about the “countless studies” done on HR call backs from corporations and universities if the applicant has an African American name. The only study listed as a reference is the same one from the movie Freakanomics. When Robin tries to make her case for systematic racism and how white people are racist by nature she fails to provide any real proof instead choosing to use situations from her own life and assumptions to form her argument. She uses the phrase “I assume” too many times for a book that is trying to sell the idea that she is an expert in her made-up field.

Then there is the communist aspect of the book. There is a section in the first 20 pages where Robin argues that we know white people are racist because they never organized and stood up to the higher classes business owners/ wall street tycoons but were instead focused on the lowly poor black folks for their problems. In her mind the country would have proved we weren’t racist if we just had a communist revolution and over threw the people in power. But we are racist so we kept the system going and continued to oppress black people. That what she thinks. At this point the whole black lives matter movement refuses to acknowledge that the civil rights movement happened and whatever their current issue is will be fixed by undoing everything that happened before.

White Fragility is the woke bible in the sense that it stole most of its ideas from other religions, threw them into a book and said it was written by god. Of course, in this case the god is white but female and she is going to be the savior of people who didn’t ask for her help. Robin infested her book with Alcoholics Anonymous philosophy where someone who denies they are racist is of course racist, because a symptom of the disease is to deny that you have it. There is also the Catch 22 rule that is similar if you say you are not racist then you are racist. If you admit you are racist you are still racist even if you are not. Then there is the original sin aspect of the situation. If you are born white you are automatically racist and you will be your whole life even if you try to correct it. There is the door to door prophesizing that you see from Mormons but in this case it is taking to the streets and screaming black live matter at the top of your lungs and accosting anyone who does not agree with you because cracking skulls is a sure fire way to convert people. I remember the good old days when a catholic would screw somebody into submission to get them to go to church. Not here. To be in an interracial relationship is to fetishize the person of color and not think of them as a person. A person’s sexual preference is racist if it is anything other than the same race as them. To be black and dating a white person is to be taken advantage of, to be white and date a person of color is to oppress them. In the end Robin never settles what should be done about people of mixed race, instead automatically categorizes them as colored because they don’t fit neatly into a tiny box in her mind.

I wish White Fragility was a book that hit the shelves to a non-existent audience but currently it is a best seller. Considering the success of 50 shades of Grey I have high hopes that it will be filling the local Goodwill donation bins and end up in a land fill or as insolation in low income housing, because that would be more useful at this point. A best seller does not mean that a book says anything important or it has the ability to make the world a better place. In the end White Fragility is just a tool for mental masturbation in the SJW community and DiAngelo is the Hugh Hefner of BLM offering her victim porn to the masses while tokenizing black people for her own personal ability to make millions off of their misery. At 62 DiAngelo must have realized that a degree in Studies in Whiteness was only going to lead her to living off of social security and she would never be able to pay off those pesky student loans before she died. Like many people on the west coast she must have asked herself, “What if I started a cult?” and then White Fragility was born. The checks are in, the damage is done, can we please let this title join the ranks of 50 Shades of Grey where the author is forgotten, the public realizes how horrible it is and we move on from all of this bullshit to live a happy life again instead of being hit by a whip and trying to figure out why it still doesn’t feel as good as the book described.

Now that I think about it maybe 50 Shades of Grey is the perfect analogy for this book. The readership is primarily white women with low self esteem that will put themselves into harm’s way to fulfill a fantasy that will never come true. Holy shit, I bet some of my ex-girlfriends are diving right into this shit. Like Grey, White fragility had little or no research done while writing it and the biggest fans of the book are lonely white women who have nothing better to do in their lives than try to prove they are not as depressed and shitty as they know themselves to be. White Fragility is the anti-self-help book, dishing out bad advice to those who don’t know any better at the expense of a minority. Congratulations Robin you proved to the world who the biggest racist is, take a look in the mirror.


Nothing is sacred


Even for those who made the ultimate sacrifice the mob continues on their march to erase history. On April 18, 2011, Eric Zapata, a 35-year-old member of Kalamazoo Public Safety was shot and killed responding to a call of shots fired on Hays Park Avenue. I will never forget that day as long as I live.

I had just finished an evening shift working in the ER and was walking home when police cars flew past me on Portage road. Lights and sirens blared, and I kept seeing different departments driving past. County, Township, city and State police were going to the same place. Standing at the end of my street I could see red and blue lights illuminating the entire length of the six-block street. For a moment I thought “they finally did it. They burned my house down.” That didn’t happen but there was a patrol car parked in the front. A large black officer was running to the vehicle and pulled a shotgun out, loading it there in the street. I stood there with the key in the door not sure what to do. The office saw me, racked the shotgun, and asked me if I needed any help? I said no but I was wondering what was going on. “officer down, suspect still on the loose.” I went into the house and make sure everything was still locked up. It wasn’t until the next morning I learned what had happened.

That night two brothers sat on the front porch of a house on Hays Park. One of the brothers had been released from prison and was out on probation. The brother who owned the house took some guns out and the two of them took turns shooting the weapons into the air. The first police officer that came onto the scene was shot at and returned fire from the car. The probation brother jumped off the porch and ran behind the house to get away. Zapata pulled up and saw the second brother fleeing the scene. He followed and was shot in the head as he came around the corner. The official story is that the suspect then turned the weapon onto himself.

The staff that worked in the ER that night had to go to mandatory counseling afterwards. When they received the call all they heard was “officer down, GSW.” Half of the nurses working were married to cops. They didn’t know which department, of which there are many. Even when Zapata was rolled in, they didn’t know who he was because his face was unrecognizable. Some nurses were glad to see the uniform didn’t match their husband but guilt set in later. Zapata was dead on arrival but those minutes leading up to EMS coming in felt like hours.

Later that week I bought my first firearm, a home defense shotgun. The first year I lived in my house Kalamazoo experienced the most fatal shootings it had seen in one summer. The first girl who was shot in my neighborhood was a high school student returning home from school with her friends. As she walked down the street a guy standing on the street corner spotted a car driving by that was from the northside neighborhood he pulled out a revolver and fired all six rounds at the car. None of the bullets hit the car but one of them hit the girl in the back half a block away in front of my house. I ran from the backyard to the street where I watched a guy and a girl pick the girl up and carry her to a house nearby.

Zapata was different. These people were killing cops now. They were not afraid to take out a person with a badge anymore. If they could kill cops what was to make them think twice about killing me?

Nine years later I look back and still recall the humidity in the air, the tarp covering the body of the second brother still lying in the alley at 10am the next day. The candles and plastic flowers the family left at the spot until the house was torn down a few years later. Zapata’s memorial is gone now, removed due to repeated vandalism. Things are worse now with BLM in the city. My bank is covered in graffiti. Windows are still boarded up. Nothing feels normal these days.

Less than a year before Zapata was killed the Kalamazoo City Commissioners stole a self-funded pension plan that public safety created in the 1980s. After 2009 the city was broke, and couldn’t pay for half the projects they started. Seeing a pool of money sitting there they took it while offering some officers an early retirement with the pension they paid for while the rest of them were given a city funded pension that would be a fraction of what they had put away. The city had robbed the police department and there was nobody for the cops to call. Less than a year later Zapata was killed and the same people who had stolen from the cops were now on a stage praising them for the work that they do and their dedication to the city. From what some of the wives told me afterwards there were a few cops that wanted to shoot them on the spot. Like their fallen brother they stayed professional and did their job to honor him. That’s what people don’t fully understand about Zapata, here was a guy that was screwed over by the city and he still went out and did his job. It’s also what BLM wants people to forget, the fact that most police officers who do their job everyday risk the chance of not coming home in order to help others. Zapata, being the man that he was, is a threat to a movement like BLM, a minority who wore the badge and died in the line of duty.


A part of me can understand the desire to protect the memorial from the shitbags that were defacing and vandalizing it. The other part of me says we do not negotiate with terrorist and that anyone caught should be doing time in prison. By the time this year is over I fear that my city will be back to where it was at the turn of the century. Few businesses, graffiti and trash everywhere, and a lack of desire from the people to travel there for any reason. It took a decade of changed policies and new businesses to bring people back to downtown. I remember the early 90s and the outdoor walk mall that was once there. We had businesses like McDonald’s and a used bookstore that everyone went to. There was the museum and library that had a real mummy that people could see. Department stores and restaurants lined the mall. The State Theater showed big name bands that came into town. Then it all went away.

There was a decade of nothing. Nobody wanted to invest and you couldn’t park your car without returning to find a ticket. Things changed and from the looks of it we are going back to that lost decade of nothing. When we forget out history, we are destined to repeat it. I don’t want to see any more dead cops. I don’t want to live in a dead city either.


Why I Won’t Kneel

By the time this movement arrived in Kalamazoo I had been isolated at home for 2 months. All of my news was coming from my phone. Everyday was another total of deaths due to Corona Virus and then there were riots. I was expecting these but I thought they would come from food shortages, I’m still waiting for those by the way, and never thought that this would come from the death of a man while being arrested. I forgot it was an election year.

Protest had erupted across the country and everyday there was another march in a city and that night buildings burned, cars torched, and businesses looted. I’m not on Facebook and I don’t watch the local news, those channels are horrible with their content anyway, but more about that later. I had to learn from my neighbor, a text from a friend and my mom calling me, to stay away from downtown because there was chatter online about looting and riots planned for that night. It wasn’t until I looked up the local news on my phone that I learned about the protest that happened the day before. A march had started at Bronson park and moved down the mall and onto Kalamazoo Ave. when things became rowdy white vans pulled up delivering police in riot gear. The crowd chanted “fuck the police” while throwing water bottles and rocks at the police. The cops had done nothing but show up. A few minutes later the vans came back, the police piled into the vans and they drove away while protesters hit the vans and continued throwing items at them. I had to see this footage on news 8 because our local channel did not cover it. Instead, news 3 WWMT declared that it was a “peaceful protest” without incident.

I went upstairs and loaded my gun just in case. I saw the footage of people yelling “kill white people” and “kill the police” and from what I could see they meant it. The local Walmart had shut down. The people working at the courthouse were sent home early. A Meijer location closed their doors and barricaded the entrance with shopping carts. Crossroads mall had plow trucks parked at their entrances so that people could not drive up to the entrance. The city was on a different kind of lockdown.

That night on the news there was footage of people laying down on their stomachs before marching down the street for day two of their protest. Across the street in the background a Mexican family that had just opened their new restaurant a few weeks before was boarding up their windows and doors. They were the only ones to do so.

I slept that night with one eye open, waking up at the slightest sound and looking out the windows at all hours of the night. I heard nothing. Everything was quiet.

The next morning, I woke up at 6:30 with my two-month-old daughter. While I was feeding her downstairs my phone was loaded with video footage of downtown Kalamazoo, smashed and looted. There comes a time when you start to question everything you see on your phone or television. You aren’t sure what is real and what is made up. I had to see what had happened for myself.

I put my daughter in her car seat and went out the door just before 7am. We parked outside of the brewery that I used to work for and I started filming. Windows had already been boarded up. The cleanup had started at 430am. The first block wasn’t bad except for the dried spit on the windows of shops and the local MLive office. Then the real damage started.

The small window where the cigarettes were kept at the cigar shop was broken. The front door to Taco Bob’s, a local favorite, had been smashed. I was almost happy Bob didn’t have to see that happen, he had died a few weeks before all the chaos happened across the country. As I walked the damage was worse and worse. Gazelle sports had their windows smashed and items stolen. Several other shops had their windows busted out and their displays gone. My chest felt heavy as I walked through there. I didn’t recognize the city I had grown up in. what took twenty years to create had been destroyed in a night.

I went back to my car and decided to find other places that had not been covered on the news. Sure enough, on Kalamazoo Ave there was a whole series of stores with smashed windows. The first national bank had their drive through window shattered. A women’s clothing store had all of their windows shattered. A new café had a broken window. Jimmie John’s had not delivered their sandwich fast enough for one of the rioters. Their window was smashed as well. A new bank had their picture window decorated with a spiderweb pattern of destruction. The courthouse I once worked at had their own window on the ground floor busted out. The only thing I missed was the car lot at the beginning of the street with their merchandise vandalized in the lot.

By the end of the day all of downtown was boarded up and secured for what was to come. A local store owner sent me a link to video footage of the looting in progress. Everyone involved is on camera while they smash the window of Gazelles and start looting. As of today, not a single person has been arrested that was involved in the looting.

A week later my wife and I drove down the mall just to see what it looked like. The stores were still boarded up only now the city was allowing people to paint art on the boards in support of Black Lives Matter. As we drove down the mall I looked at my bank, one of the original buildings that formed downtown 150 years ago. The limestone framing the doorway had been painted over instead of the boards covering the windows. Gang signs and other tags littered the facades of the stores as we continued. Downtown was a free for all to do what you wanted as long as you were pissed off about something. I couldn’t see anymore.

The day before I would finally return to my own job a mural was painted in the street next to our building that read Black Lives Matter. It is in the turning lane and fills the length of the block. That was when I knew they had defeated the city. The enemy had won and they were given whatever they wanted. Local businesses had been terrorized. People stayed at home scared to go out not knowing who or what would come for them. Lively hoods were ruined. In the end they were allowed to tag their prize and the city even handed over the tools to do it. Kalamazoo had become BLM’s bitch.

I don’t like bullies. I don’t tend to back off when someone is being aggressive. If somebody tries to force me to do something, I don’t want to do odds are its not going to happen. Except for Frat parties gone wild on campus I have never seen the police use tear gas before. The last time downtown had that much destruction was the tornado that went through in 1980. The more I learn about BLM the more angry I become. In two months the organization has raised over 300 million dollars and nobody knows where it is going. There is no audit and since they are a 503c they are not required to report it. They answer to no one and no one is asking any questions. Meanwhile the country is in turmoil with riots and protest still happening. More statues and monuments are being destroyed. Politicians are no longer protecting the public instead giving in to a group of terrorists demands like defunding police departments and sending local crime rates to record levels. BLM has yet to comment on the 8-year-old girl that was killed in Atlanta by BLM members in their occupy zone or the 1 year old that was killed in Chicago over Father’s day weekend.

In 2019, 54 unarmed men were killed by police. Out of that number 9 were black. On Father’s Day weekend 104 people were shot in Chicago. Five black men were killed in CHAZ during the capital hill BLM occupation. There have been multiple shootings in Atlanta to the point they called in the national guard. The country is under siege and we are being occupied by an army of Marxist extremist who only have one goal, destroying the United States. Ilhan Omar stated yesterday that not only should the police be defunded but that the whole political and economic system needs to be “dismantled” as well. BLM has a lot of blood on their hands and it is the blood of young black men and children across the country that have died because of their actions and their demands. This isn’t a protest this is a revolution and one that the American people did not ask for.

I do not kneel, I do not bow, I do not give in to bullies. I hit them back. You do not cave in to bullies, they only end up wanting more. You make sure they leave realizing they should never try doing that again. You leave them bruised and broken. In this country you do not negotiate with terrorist. You hunt them down, shoot them in the head and dump them over the side of an aircraft carrier. Look to our past, things did not end well for those that tried this kind of thing before.


The Insanity of the left


There is an experiment taking place. One that everyone is a part of and the end result will appear at the end of the year. A free democracy is being tested and the rights that we enjoy are being pushed to the limit during an election year. The people who use free speech the most promote the limitation of free speech to anyone they declare are using hate speech. A minority group is demanding the defunding/ abolishment of the police departments across the country. Armed black men took to the street, with a police escort, demanding reparations from motorist that had to wait for the group to pass by. As of today, a Muslim congress woman stated that not only did we need to get rid of the police but we also needed to abolish our political and economic system. I am hoping that she was only elected to one term and we never have to hear her speak her non-sense ever again.

This has happened before, and like most insane movements, these people look back at history and say to themselves “They never got it right. This time it will be different.”  The communist revolutions of old killed over 100 million people during the last century and it is currently repeating itself in Venezuela as I write this. Even the mini experiments that we have seen in this country are turning out the same way. CHAZ lasted almost a month before the police were finally sent back in to do their job. Five people were killed and the last one was a 16-year-old kid who was shot at in a SUV with over 300 rounds put through the vehicle during a ten-minute time span. A 14-year-old survived. The kids were not armed.

BLM and our current justice system are engaging in a strange double standard that they don’t quite understand. In Indiana, a black man accompanied with a handful of friends went to a private party, on private property to protest the fourth of July. When he was attacked, he called the police, the same people he was protesting against. BLM has been using this tactic on several occasions to try to appear as a victim while being the instigator. A woman in Michigan pulled a pistol in self defense after a woman and her two teenage daughters followed her to her car and refused to let her leave, going as far as to jump behind the minivan while it was backing up. The woman and her husband were charged with assault and the husband lost his job. Meanwhile the police are no longer doing their jobs. Consider it a justice strike. As of July 7, 2020, not a single person has been arrested for the looting and riots that happened in my home town of Kalamazoo Michigan. The event was captured on cell phone video from a balcony above the downtown mall and yet nobody has been arrested. A few weeks later, a mural was painted in the street reading Black Lives Matter in full view of my place of employment. The same group that was responsible for the destruction my city saw was allowed to tag their work for everyone to see. The cowardly acts of our political leaders are adding to the carnage. At this moment autonomous zones are set up in New York city and Atlanta Georgia. CHAZ Atlanta is responsible for the death of five people so far including an 8-year-old girl. The governor finally called in the National Guard.

If it wasn’t for the fact that communism has never worked, I would say that we should let these psychos try their stupid ideas out for five minutes and see how well they do. This doesn’t need to happen since we already have their own autonomous zones to look at. People are dying at higher rates than with the alleged police brutality and when things do happen, they still call the police. I read today that the average college graduate is found to have a fifth-grade reading level and with the actions of these protesters we can see they have the maturity of a third grader. Our current national system is a mixture of Lord of the Flies, 1984, Animal Farm, and Fight Club. His name is Robert Paulson, get it right.

I find myself doing the most American thing I can think of, retreating. Not for the sake of saving my own ass but in order to fight another day. The city I have called my home all of my life has become a huge disappointment; it always has been but as of lately it has truly shown how weak and infantile it has become. There are two Michigans. The lower portion of the state where most of the population lives and north of Grand Rapids. On any political map you will see blue dots in Detroit, Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo. In the north is a sea of red and you won’t find any of the bullshit that the cities have to put up with. When Covid hit I kept telling myself that I should have bought that cabin in Cheboygan or in the U.P. and now I think it’s time to pack up and find a new place to call home. I know how the companies work in this town. They will cater to the biggest piece of shit on the planet for the sake of not being called racist and any white man is on the alter to be sacrificed to the lame ass god of anti-racism. I already walk on egg shells worrying that somehow some way I will offend someone and I will have to turn in my keys and ID and be escorted to the door. Let’s face it, the first amendment, with all of the fake news and alleged “peaceful” protest is dead. People can walk onto your property, threaten you, and you are not allowed to do anything about it. When your place of employment says that they want to allow people to have open discussions in a safe place at work, that doesn’t include your opinion. The media currently doesn’t cover the deaths caused by BLM instead twisting headlines with assumptions and false accusations. The country is in ruins and it is time to run for the hills. If you are from a small town move back there. If you live in the city, cash in that small house or condo and find a piece of land in the middle of nowhere. Unemployed college students and biracial Marxist baristas can’t afford the gas to drive into rural Nebraska to continue their march to equality. The cities depend on food. They need supplies. To have a piece of land that supports so much more than the family that lives on it is to have power. When the trucks stop, when the police no longer answer 911, when the power goes out and the water spots to flow, that will be the oh fuck moment when these whiney little shits realize they don’t know as much as they thought they did.



BLM = Bitchy Little Marxists


In 2015, Patrisse Cullors stated in an interview “Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists.” While corporations and other organizations across the country join the ranks of big tech in their support of BLM it is becoming obvious everyday that they have no idea what they signed up for. It is difficult to move past the name, Black Lives Matter, a phrase that is simple and nobody can argue against. However, the platform of the organization leaves much to be desired. While business memos go out stating their allegiance to the organization none of them will state what BLM truly desires, a world without families, corporations, or men.

“We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.” -BLM website

Notice how “men” is not mentioned in the description of extended families. While BLM protest and promote the rights of black people there is one thing, they have made abundantly clear, they do not care about black men. The movement started with the death of Trevon Martin and while they pop up whenever a black man is killed their mission statement only shows that they take advantage of the situation to push their agenda forward.

Two of the founders of BLM include Patrisse Cullors and Alicia Garza. Both of these women are lesbians and had been rejected by their fathers at different times in their lives. Patrisse came out to her parents as a teenager and was immediately kicked out of the house by her parents. Alicia never knew her father who left the home not long after she was born. Men were either not a part of their lives growing up or they were rejected by them. This is where the destruction of the nuclear family comes into play. It is very common for people in these situations to find family in extended families or “villages” outside of the homes they grew up in. The ultimate revenge to a father who rejects you is to destroy the institution of the patriarchy whether it exist or not.

While the organization is called Black Lives Matter it doesn’t follow the traditional culture of Black people in the United States. Church is a strong force in black communities who hold conservative values. BLM promotes Trans and Queer culture while being against traditional family structure. Traditional black culture and BLM do not overlap in most ideas. This might be why BLM works in opposition to previous civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. who said “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Instead, BLM moves to push an agenda where everyone is judge by their skin color, sexual orientation, age, profession, disability, etc. The identity politics of BLM undermines everything that civil rights leaders fought for fifty years ago.

In the BLM platform there is a lot of language pushing for not just trans culture but black trans women especially in positions of power in the movement. This is odd for several reasons, not just their position in black culture but the percentage of the population they represent. Black trans women account for less than .01% of the US population and yet they are placed on a pedestal within the movement.

“We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence.” -BLM website

What they fail to mention with this statement on their website is that the vast majority of Black Trans women who are killed in the United States are murdered by their black boyfriends. They say they want to dismantle cisgender privilege undermining the same black men they claim to support against police brutality. While BLM says that black trans women are disproportionately impacted by violence the leading cause of transgender death in the United States is suicide, not murder.

The leaders of the corporations who are finding themselves supporting BLM might want to look at their own positions within these corporations especially if they are a straight white male. Eventually they will be expected to step down to show their true support to the cause.

In early June of 2020 protest took place across the country for Black Trans Lives Matter along with a list of names that the public was expected to remember (list included at the end of this article). The earlier protest was against police brutality especially the acts from white police officers against black men but in this case the violence was perpetrated by black men against trans black women. This was the information left out of this protest, leaving people to assume that white people were killing black trans women like the white police officers allegedly have been doing. The statistics of police violence against black men tell a different tale from the one BLM pushes. In the list of names given during the trans protest every single person was killed by a black man. The name Black Lives Matter is very different from what they are promoting. Once you narrow it down to exclude the people BLM obviously doesn’t like it should be called Black LGBTQ Lives Matter, Straight women shouldn’t include themselves because that means they enjoy the company of straight white men and might engage in a nuclear family with them.

BLM has taken the grad task of trying to rewrite history, and changing American culture. The 1619 project tries to tell another tale of how America came to be the country it is today. White Fragility by Robin DeAngelo tells a story of racism and white privilege in every interaction in our society. Black Lives Matter makes demands while holding the country hostage like a terrorist on an airliner.

“If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right? And I could be speaking figuratively. I could be speaking literally. It’s a matter of interpretation,” Hawk Newsome said during an interview on “The Story” with Martha MacCallum.

The message BLM has is obvious and it’s not the one that they say in their name. The founders want to change the country into their own image through a communist revolution as an act of revenge against everyone they view wronged them in the past. They fight the patriarchy, desire acceptance from their peers and ultimately want power over those they see as their current superiors. There is no equality in their movement and when this revolution is over the useful idiots that made everything possible will be disposed of and left to rot. BLM is a movement lead by children who never had to grow up and, in the end, became bitchy little Marxists who blame everyone else for their lot in life instead of themselves.


The following is a list of Black Trans Women listed for the protest held in June of 2020.

🕯️Breonna “Be’Be” Hill, a black trans woman who was killed on October 14, 2019 in Kansas City, Missouri.

🕯️Itali Marlowe, a black trans woman who was killed on September 20, 2019 in Houston, Texas.

🕯️Ja’Leyah-Jamar, a black trans woman who was killed on September 13, 2019 in Kansas City, Missouri.

🕯️Bee Love Slater, a black trans woman who was found deceased on September 1, 2019 in Clewiston, Florida.

🕯️Bailey Reeves, a black trans woman who was killed on September 2, 2019 in Baltimore, Maryland.

🕯️Tracy Single, a black trans woman who was killed on July 30, 2019 in Houston, Texas.

🕯️Bubba Walker, a black trans woman who was killed in late July in Charlotte, North Carolina.

🕯️Pebbles La Dime Doe, a black trans woman who was killed on August 4, 2019 in Allendale, South Carolina.

🕯️Jordan Cofer, a trans man who was killed on August 4, 2019 in Dayton, Ohio.

🕯️Kiki Fantroy, a black trans woman who was killed on July 31, 2019 in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

🕯️Denali Berries Stuckey, a black trans woman who was killed on July 20, 2019 in North Charleston, SC.

🕯️Brooklyn Lindsey, a black trans woman who was killed on June 25, 2019 in Kansas City, Missouri. She was 32 years old.

🕯️ Zoe Spears, a black trans woman who was killed on June 13, 2019 in Fairmount Heights, Maryland.

🕯️Layleen Cubilette Polanco Xtravaganza, a black trans woman who was found dead in her jail cell on June 7, 2019 in Rikers Island, New York.

🕯️Cecilia Cranko, a trans woman who was killed on June 6, 2019 in South Orange, New Jersey.

🕯️ Chanel Scurlock, a black trans woman who was killed on June 5, 2019 in Lumberton, North Carolina.

🕯️Chynal Lindsey, a black trans woman who was killed on June 1, 2019 in Dallas, Texas.

🕯️Johana Medina León (“Joa”), a trans woman of color who died after being releasted from ICE custody on June 1, 2019 in El Paso, Texas.

🕯️Paris Cameron, a black trans woman who was killed on May 25, 2019 in Detroit, Michigan.

🕯️Michelle “Tamika” Washington, a black trans woman who was killed on May 19, 2019 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

🕯️Muhlaysia Booker, a black trans woman who was killed on May 18, 2019 in Dallas, Texas.

🕯️Claire Legato, a black trans woman who died on May 14th, 2019 in Cleveland, Ohio after being shot in April 2019.

🕯️Ashanti Carmon, a black trans woman who was killed on March 30, 2019 in Fairmount Heights, Maryland.

🕯️Jazzaline Ware, a black trans woman who was killed on March 25, 2019 in Memphis, Tennessee.

🕯️Ellie Marie Washtock, a nonbinary person who was killed on January 31, 2019 in Saint Augustine, Florida.

🕯️Dana Martin, a black trans woman who was killed on January 6, 2019 in Montgomery, Alabama.

🕯️Keanna Mattel “Kelly Stough”, a black trans woman who was killed on December 7, 2018 in Detroit, Michigan.

🕯️Tydi Dansbury, a black trans woman who was killed on November 28, 2018 in Balitmore, Maryland.

🕯️Regina Denise Brown, a trans woman of color who was killed on October 10, 2018 in Orangebourg, South Carolina.

🕯️Ciara Minaj Carter Frazier, a black trans woman who was killed on October 3, 2018 in Chicago, Illinois.




Voting Republican for the first time


It’s not hard to remember the first election I ever voted in. Most people who voted in 2000 can recall the law suits, confusion, and eventual decision by the supreme court, not the people, the put George W. Bush in office. Sometimes I look back and wonder what life might have looked like if Al Gore had become president and 9-11 still happened. Of course, there is no way to know.

I didn’t vote for Al or George that first time. I voted for Ralph Nader. I didn’t care for Gore’s policy on censorship and Bush I took to be a racist and idiot. Turns out Bush wasn’t a racist but was an idiot. As for Gore, I’m still waiting for the world to end. Since then I voted for every Democrat that had been on the ballet from John Kerry, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton (Barf), Andrew Yang, and Tulsi Gabbard. This election, the game that the Democrats have been playing this year with the country was the last straw.

For twenty years I followed a progressive path and while I hold some conservative ideas I learned mostly left on topics. After seeing where the democratic party has gone in a desperate attempt to remove a man from the oval office I can only say “they have lost their minds.” Four years ago, the democratic party was reluctant to go full crazy. This year they decided to stop taking their meds and dived head first into a swimming pool filled with shit.

In 2016, I remember when Black Lives Matter took the stage from Bernie Sanders and he was forced to say he supported their cause. They had acted like bullies and he folded under pressure when he shouldn’t have. To me, that was the end of the Bernie campaign. Later on, Hillary would invite BLM onto her stage in full support not knowing who these people are. This has become the new party policy. Bend the knee to anyone that has clout in the moment and hope everyone else follows. Welcome to 2020.

For the last year I have tried to make a change in the democratic party. Since I was a child, I had heard to fix the system from the inside to make the world a better place. I decided to put my money where my mouth was. I heard Andrew Yang on the Joe Rogan podcast and liked the majority of his policies. He wasn’t a carrier politician and if there was one person, I could see beating Donald Trump in 2020 it was him. although he ran on a universal basic income platform it was his other policies listed on his website that attracted me. Over several months I donated a good portion of money to his campaign and like Bernie in 2016 the Democratic party, pardon my language, fucked him out of the debates. Before I could blink Yang had dropped out and eventually supported Joe Biden as the Democratic candidate.

Then there was Tulsi. Here we have a woman who is everything that the Democratic party says they want as their presidential candidate. Young, a person of color, war vet, current military enlisted, and currently serving in congress. She wanted to invest in the country instead of foreign countries and end the wars that did us no good in the long run. In her first debate Tulsi decimated the party favorite at the time by calling out Kamala Harris for putting single moms in jail if their kids didn’t go to school and putting more black men in prison than any other Attorney General in California. Kamala continued to play the race card and it didn’t work. she was one of the first candidates to drop out of the race. So, we have badass, minority, congressional war vet taking out her opponents and the media refused to cover her. Tulsi was the only option on the primary ballet in the state of Michigan that was left besides Joe Biden. My vote went to Tulsi. Later, she would drop a slander law suit against Hillary Clinton which only told me how far the corruption in the party had gone. Everyone I put my faith in disappointed me in the end. Then came the riots.

Covid-19 came onto the radar at the beginning of the year and before we knew it people had it in Washington state and New York and it was spreading across the map. Lock downs were put into place and the people of Michigan had three months off from work. I followed the Governor’s orders and kept my risk of contracting the disease low. Protest erupted when the lockdown was extended and the media along with the Governor scolded the unpatriotic swine that descended onto the capital building in Lansing. I thought these people were idiots and were acting like children. Then Stupid had a new definition a month later.

George Floyd was allegedly killed by a police officer in Minneapolis and all hell broke loose. Black Lives Matter, an organization that had disappeared after 2017, re-emerged with protest and some new plays in their book for causing havoc across the country. In 2018 the book called White Fragility by Robin DeAngelo was released and it became the new bible for insecure white women everywhere. Antifa and a new army of poorly educated, indebted, college graduates took to the streets and started riots, looting, and started destroying public property across the country. When 104 black people were shot in Chicago on Father’s Day weekend BLM was nowhere to be found. Private businesses pooled money together as a bounty for the person responsible in the death of a one-year-old child. At the same time my Governor was marching in the streets with protesters when a month before she was degrading the previous protesters far doing the same thing. My county declared Racism a public health crisis, not Covid-19. CNN, MSNBC, BBC, and every left-wing newspaper refused to discuss the riots and looting that was taking place and always referred to these events as “Peaceful protest.” Nancy Pelosi, wore a scarf in DC from a tribe in Africa that sold slaves to European merchants, and took a knee in solidarity with BLM. This is the level of stupid that we are dealing with now. Companies left and right are siding with BLM without knowing who they really are. When people say they don’t support them they are fired from their jobs.

Today is the fourth of July and protest, riots, and looting are still going strong. While the Dems are busy kissing the ass of an organization, they know nothing about Trump has made sure that arrests are being made and many of these fools are looking at ten-year prison sentences. Something is finally being done.

I never cared for the Social Justice Warrior phenomenon and their cancel culture, taking due process out of the hands of the courts and legal system, instead choosing to have people fired and soil their name so they can’t make a living anymore. This isn’t the American way. This isn’t how I want to live. We have the first amendment in this country and at the moment the only group who thinks they are allowed to use it are a bunch of crazy leftists that haven’t moved out of their parent’s basement. Nowhere in the constitution does it say that people have the right NOT to be offended. Everyone has the right to say what they believe without the state stepping in but some people want to change that. Now they are going after the second amendment. “Ken and Karen” made the news for defending their home after an iron gate was destroyed and hundreds of armed protesters entered their property threatening to kill them, burn their house down, and kill their dog. Nobody could blame them if they went full John Wick on these assholes except for the media. The local DA is also trying to charge them for defending their property while not firing a single shot. Did I mention the DA is a Democrat?

When I look at the state of affairs across the country every city that became a war zone during these riots are run by Democrats. CHAZ was allowed to prosper in Seattle because of the Democratic Mayor. Chicago, currently being run by a Democrat, is seeing record numbers in shooting while it is a gun free zone. New York is folding under pressure and is cutting over a billion dollars from the NYPD budget only to see an immediate rise in crime. People in my home state were given tickets and fines for not following the stay at home order while the Governor was marching in the streets with protesters who were breaking the same laws, she signed in.

This year was the last straw. I tried. I really did. I supported the best options the democrats had running. I participated in the process. I followed the rules. Then this shit happens. These people with all of their phony policies and lack of spines are pushing the country into a civil war because they can’t handle the fact they are not in charge. As Will McAvoy once said on Newsroom “If Liberals are so fucking smart, how come they lose so goddamn always?” The Dems will lose again. The polls say Biden is winning but we haven’t seen the man in three months. Plus, these are the same polls that said Hillary was going to be in office. I’m not the only one out there. I’m not the only historically voting democrat that will be voting for Trump in November. There are a few other Democrats that I will be voting out of office at the same time. Their time of dividing the country through Identity politics are over. No more of this white shaming and anti-male bullshit. I’ tired of being called a piece of shit because of the color of my skin and having a big pair of balls between my legs. They can shove their policies up their ass from now on. Come November they will join the ranks of the unemployed they created this year and hopefully we can get back on track with improving the country instead of trying to turn it into Orwell’s Animal Farm. I can not be the only one out there that feels this way. We are the silent majority and I’m here to say “You’re fired!”



